Project Catalyst

Project Catalyst, funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and Reef Trust Partnership, is a sugarcane farmer-led project that was established in 2008 with a vision to encourage innovative practices with progressive farmers. The project now coordinates innovation research and enhanced practice adoption for more than 100 individual growers. The growers have participated in over 150 Project Catalyst activities on more than 35,000 hectares across the Wet Tropics, Mackay Whitsunday and Burdekin regions.

In addition to significant practice change outcomes, the project is reporting social outcomes and enhancing grower networks. Sixty-seven events attracting 2,987 participants have been held, including annual Grower Forums, field days, shed meetings, training sessions and bus trips. This level of grower and industry interaction allows for networking to occur across geographic regions that would otherwise not occur.

Read more grower stories about how they are improving farming practices. This includes Ray and Leah Vella who are leading the way in improving water management on their farms, Andrew and Melissa Deguara who are trialling dual rows and pre-formed beds and Rob Sluggett who has adopted precision agriculture.